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Hsinchu City's Water Pollution Source Inspection and Water Pollution Fee Collection and Inspection Plan for 108 Years

In order to improve the overall water quality of rivers in the river basin of Hsinchu City (hereinafter referred to as this city), the Hsinchu City Environmental Protection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Protection Bureau) has actively carried out pollution prevention and control of water pollution sources in the past, including strict implementation of various permit management, strengthening Audit and ban operations are expected to reduce factory pollution emissions through administrative control measures. At the same time, considering the limited executive manpower of public units, actively promote environmental protection volunteers to join the patrol ranks, and jointly form a joint inspection and patrol prevention network with the Environmental Protection Bureau to conduct relevant pollution information in a timely manner. The notification and treatment are to help achieve the purpose of preventing illegal dumping of waste water or wastes into the river waters of this city; and strictly inspecting illegal discharges of enterprises in order to achieve the goal of improving the water quality of rivers. In order to continue the achievements of previous control of water pollution sources, the Environmental Protection Agency specially drafted the "108 Hsinchu City Water Pollution Source Audit and Water Pollution Fee Collection Inspection Plan" (hereinafter referred to as this plan) in this (108) The implementation and implementation of the plan ensure the mastery of water pollution sources within the jurisdiction of the city, so as to facilitate subsequent control operations, and actively promote the overall control plan of the water environment in accordance with the characteristics of river water bodies and pollution sources, in order to extend comprehensive safety and comfort. And beautiful river recreation space, and continue to promote the river patrol plan, connecting individuals who love the countryside to protect the river, point to face, in order to re-accumulate the emotions of the river.
Hsinchu, Audit, Water pollution fee